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Blogging Books w/Beth

This is my journey through a never-ending pile of TBR books.

Currently reading

Dead Witch Walking
Kim Harrison
Heart of Iron
Bec McMaster
Guilty Pleasures
Laurell K. Hamilton
The Eternity Cure
Julie Kagawa
Beyond Shame - Kit Rocha I have mixed feelings about this book.

On one hand:

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On the other:

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I'll explain...

This is a story about Noelle, and in my opinion she really sucks. The story has other problems, but she's mostly mine.

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We are thrown into a world, possibly in the future, where storms have destroyed much of the world. Eden was developed as a utopia, where people live in a walled-in area. All the good things about life are strictly forbidden or regulated (like alcohol & sex). Noelle gets herself kicked out of Eden and picked up by Jasper, a member of family who lives outside Eden. She is encouraged to do everyone, but she's very much attracted to Jasper. Jasper is a complex character, Noelle is just weak and boring. Oh my god is she boring. She's got no personality and is just okay with everyone telling her what to do. I can completely get the appeal of being submissive during sex, but she is submissive all the damn time.

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Now on to the pluses, because I'll admit I did like this story ultimately.

I loved the entire family! I loved the action and the sexy times. The main concept of this book is overcoming shame, and I think that's an important. I read it in a matter of hours. I will most likely read the next in the series, if only to understand more of the new society. Hopefully with a different main character.